Artificial Biosphere

  1. On planet Earth, we have some large farm houses, that have some population of family members, workers and farm animals, that produces almost all crops for  there requirement. They are self-dependent and depends very less or almost zero on external supplies. Oxygen rich air and aquifer water connects them to the other parts of society. Common examples are Jail, military colonies, presidential palace, Agricultural college & research stations, etc.
  2. A living eggs too inspires an Artificial Biosphere. The life inside the egg has very few requirements, while a human entering an Artificial biosphere will have a large requirements.
  3. Cruise ships, have good role in human civilization developments. It has food reserves for some months. They have inspired artificial biospheres.
  4. Earth's ocean based Submarines, made human to stay in a small enclosure. Here the food, water, oxygen, energy, etc. reserves are for small period say a week. 
  5. Submarines inspired the near to Earth, Space station, the International Space Station. Here the Water and Oxygen are recycled and reused. Regular supplies of food/nutrients are made from earth and wastages are removed from there. After ISS, Chinese Space station is also in the Space.
  6. Now there are plans of Space Hotel and Industry, Colonies on Earth's Moon, Mars, etc. Here the Plant and Animal, Nutrients, Water and Oxygen are to be completely recycled and reused.  Efficient energy managements are also required. 
  7. Almost all of the present artificial biospheres include non-vegetarian or meat based products in human nutrition. This is mainly because meat based foods are like concentrates and a large amount of human nutrients are met by a very little meat products. Using meat is both economical and logical. 
  8. On our planet, there are some religiously-ethically-environmentally sensible groups that promote Vegan/vegetarian diets. Due to large diversity in the available plant based crop products, people enjoy healthy and tasty vegan foods.  
  9. Plant Nutrient requirements: Elements required by the plants for there nutrients are: 1-Hydrogen, 5-Boron, 6-Carbon, 7-Nitrogen, 8-Oxygen, 12-Magnesium, 15-Phosphorus, 16-Sulfur, 17-Chlorine, 19-Potassium, 20-Calcium, 24-Chromium, 25-Manganese, 26-Iron, 29-Copper, 30-Zinc (Arrangements have been made on the basis of there position in the Periodic Table). 

  10. Human Nutrient Requirements: Animals, like Human require elements like, 9-Fluorine, 11-Sodium, 27-Cobalt, 34-Selenium, 35-Bromine, 47-Silver, 53-Iodine, 79-Gold, besides what is required by the plants. These additional elements are often used in there medicines. 
  11. Cobalt is essential to the metabolism of all animals. It is a key constituent of cobalamin, also known as vitamin B12, the primary biological reservoir of cobalt as an ultratrace element.[141][142] Bacteria in the stomachs of ruminant animals convert cobalt salts into vitamin B12, a compound which can only be produced by bacteria or archaea. 
  12. Although trace amounts of selenium are necessary for cellular function in many animals, including humans, both elemental selenium and (especially) selenium salts are toxic in even small doses, causing selenosis. Selenium is listed as an ingredient in many multivitamins and other dietary supplements, as well as in infant formula, and is a component of the antioxidant enzymes glutathione peroxidase and thioredoxin reductase (which indirectly reduce certain oxidized molecules in animals and some plants) as well as in 3 deiodinase enzymes. Selenium requirements in plants differ by species, with some plants requiring relatively large amounts and others apparently not requiring any.
  13. Humans also requires many other elements like 2-Helium, 3-Lithium, 13-Aluminium, 14-Silicon, 23-Vanadium, 28-Nickel, 31-Gallium, 50-Tin, 78-Platinum, 80-Mercury, 82-Lead, 92-Uranium, 94-Plutonium, etc. in there energy management and technological developments.  
  14. Human nutrition complex groups are:
    • Starch: Supplied from cereal crops like Rice, Wheat, Maize, Potato, Sweet Potato, Sorghum, Millets, Buckwheat, etc.
    • Sugar: Supplied from crops like Sugarcane, Stevia, fruits like strawberries, mango, orange, grapes, Apple, Kiwi, Phoenix dactylifera, Nypa fruticans, Banana-ripe, Jackfruit-ripe, Dragonfruit, Pineapple, Cherry, Honey from honey bees, etc.
    • Proteins: Supplied from leguminous pulse crops like Moong, Peas, Black gram, Red gram, Chana (Bengal gram), Ground nut, Soya beans, Drumstick/moringa, Mushroom, Beans, etc.
    • Oils and fats: Supplied from crops like, Mustard, Avocado, Palm oil, Coconut, Til, Sunflower, Safflower, Flax Seeds/Tissi, Almond, Olive (Olea europaea), Chia, etc.
    • Dietary Fibers from crops like Isabgol, Cassia, Senna, etc. 
    • Minerals & Vitamins from crops like, Tomato, Amla, Citrus, Passiflora, Carrot, Beet root, Palak, Brinjal, Kombu Kelp, Papaya, Bhindi, Cabbage, Cauliflower, Bathua, Amaranthus, Cucumber, Pumpkin, Bitter gourd, Bottle gourd, Ridge gourd, Trichosanthes dioica, Algal foods (Spirulina, Chlorella), Ficus racemosa, etc.
    • Spices like Turmeric, Ginger, Fenugreek, Coriander, Trachyspermum, Asafoetida, Onion, Garlic, Chili, Black pepper (Piper nigrum), Saffron (Crocus sativus), Nigella sativa, etc. 
    • Beverages: Tea, Coffee, Beer (from grapes, Hop (Humulus lupulus) shoots, etc.)
    • Medicinal and Aromatic crops like Betel leaf, Pudina, Tulsi, Marigold, Jasmine, Aloe vera, Asparagus racemosus, Rose, Camphor, Commiphora wightii, Clove, Bacopa monnieri, Convolvulus prostratus, Clitoria ternatea, Gum arabic, etc.
    • Salt crops like Salicornia. 
    • Fibers for cloth: Cotton, Jute, Agave, Bombax_ceiba, etc. 
    • Biofuel: Ethanol fuel with help of the yeast (Saccharomyces cerevisiae)
  15. Data of Vegetarian Food requirements for a healthy human, on daily to yearly basis, is important for planning an Artificial biosphere. The data is available with many research organisations. This data identifies the crops that are being used. Then with the average productivity data of these crops, and the total population capacity, the total area required for an Artificial Biosphere can be calculated. 
  16. Along with food, the data for Oxygen and Water requirements are also important. 
  17. Plant families like Solanaceae, Alliaceae, Brassicaceae, Fabaceae, Poaceae, Asteraceae, Pedaliaceae, Linaceae,  Arecaceae, Lauraceae, Actinidiaceae, Rosaceae, Lamiaceae, Zingiberaceae, Cucurbitaceae, Araceae, etc. plays an important role in forming the balanced diet of Human nutritions (Vegan). So we can plan to have some members from each of these families. 
  18. Plant families are more important for breeding and hybrid development. Crop species and varieties are more important in human utility and economics. 
  19. Utilizing earth's economic biodiversity beyond its boundary (Karman line) is a great challenge!
  20. Plannings are to be made for Composting the organic wastes including the dead human body and reusing the compost for the nutrition. Some fungus and animals like Earthworms are best suited for composting.
  21. Beneficial organisms like Earthworms, Honey bees, Lactic acid bacteria, Nitrogen fixing bacteria, yeast, etc. can stay along with humans in the Artificial biospheres. 
  22. Harmful organisms, like Rat, Mosquito, Housefly, Bed bug, Termites, etc. can be eliminated from the Artificial biospheres. 
  23. Space allotments are also to be made for Water and Oxygen storage, Bedding, Bathing, Toilet, Research and Communications, Dining, Tools, Battery, Seed, Farm Produce, Processing, Cooking, Compost, Scraps for Repair-Reuse-Recycle, etc. 
  24. In-Lab conversion of Carbon dioxide to Oxygen (2CO2+800°C-->2CO+O2) and D-Glucose (CO2+Energy+Catalyst-->C₆H₁₂O₆) have been successful! 
  25. In Space Biosphere, use of Artificial Intelligence, RobotTransgene and other Biotechnology is, and further will be very high. While on our planet Earth, there are many resistance in use of these technologies. 
  26. In Space, without proper protection, and controlled micro-environment, chances of induced mutations in the earthly species is very high. 
  27. Symbiosis plays a vital role in an artificial biosphere. See-->ARS scientists found that an airborne fungus, Cladosporium sphaerospermum strain TC09, speeds up plant growth.
  28. Researches have shown that the Light spectrum of Red ( ∼660 nm) and Blue ( ∼450 nm) LEDs, provides very high photosynthetic efficiency of plants, in the lab conditions.  
  29. External Readings:


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