Computer Virus-Voltage fluctuations
- While online and offline works on computers, I have often often experinced the threats of computer Viruses.
- There are many hacked softwares in the market. Many of them are sold at a very cheap prices compared to the normal price in the fair market. Students and intellectuals belonging to the low income groups often become there customers. Using these softwares is not safe on the devices connected with the Internet. Even having the best costly antiviruses, maintains the risks of attacks.
- In using a Free license softwares (Boss linux)., I have often experienced viruses that disturbs the functioning of computers, by creating high voltage fluctuations in the system.
- In the competitions related to the process of income generations, the virus attack is more.
- Regularly look for unknown/suspicious files got downloaded in the commonly used folders and quickly delete them.
- On suspecting any online virus attack, go to the Setting of the browser, and use the tool, "Restore to Default setting". If problem exists, then delete all cookies and browsing datas. Switch of your internet and then again switch on. This will help.
- Having online (cloud storage like google drive, digilocker, drop box, Microsoft drive, etc.) and offline (Pen drive, CD-DVD, Diary-notebooks) backups and preparedness for computer formatting and rebooting, helps in facing the attacks.
- In case of Reboot, On starting the computer, <Del> key is used to enter Setup. <F2> key is used to access BIOS
- Desktop computers requires 220-250 Volts of electricity-AC Power supply. Voltages lower then this may hamper the functioning of the computer. Power supply needs to be smooth.
- In direct electric power supply, there are often huge differences between the demand and supply. This causes good fluctuations in the supply. Good stabilizers and UPS (Uninterrupted Power Supply) can manage them.
- In situations of high voltage fluctuations, working on the battery power is better then the direct power supply.
- Checking the earthing connections, adding earthings, adding water to the dried ones, helps a lot. In some cases adding common salt (Sodium Chloride) mixed water also helps.
- Online viruses may increase the task loads of the computers, making them to demand more energy. So closing the internet, at idle time, helps.
- A person in job has to strictly maintain the timings of the employer. During the high voltage fluctuations, a free person can stay away from the computers and internet.
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